© RKD, The Hague 2020
ISBN 978-90-71929-113
How to cite from this Author(s), 'Title contribution', in: Rieke van Leeuwen and Juliette Roding (eds.), Masters of Mobility : Cultural Exchange between the Netherlands and the German Lands in the Long 17th Century (Gerson Digital IV), The Hague (RKD) 2020, § number (URL)
For example:
Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, ‘Gerson’s ‘Ausbreitung’ and its Significance for the Study of Netherlandish Art in an International Context’, in: Rieke van Leeuwen and Juliette Roding (eds.), Masters of Mobility : Cultural Exchange between the Netherlands and the German Lands in the Long 17th Century (Gerson Digital IV), The Hague (RKD) 2020, § 2 (